477 research outputs found

    Pronounced minimum of the thermodynamic Casimir forces of O(n{\bf n}) symmetric film systems: Analytic theory

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    Thermodynamic Casimir forces of film systems in the O(n)(n) universality classes with Dirichlet boundary conditions are studied below bulk criticality. Substantial progress is achieved in resolving the long-standing problem of describing analytically the pronounced minimum of the scaling function observed experimentally in 4^4He films (n=2)(n=2) by R. Garcia and M.H.W. Chan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83,1187  (1999){\bf 83}, 1187 \;(1999) and in Monte Carlo simulations for the three-dimensional Ising model (n=1n=1) by O. Vasilyev et al., EPL 80,60009  (2007){\bf 80}, 60009 \;(2007). Our finite-size renormalization-group approach yields excellent agreement with the depth and the position of the minimum for n=1n=1 and semiquantitative agreement with the minimum for n=2n=2. Our theory also predicts a pronounced minimum for the n=3n=3 Heisenberg universality class.Comment: 1 figur

    Non-universal critical Casimir force in confined 4^4He near the superfluid transition

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    We present the results of a one-loop calculation of the effect of a van der Waals type interaction potential xdσ\sim | {\bf x} |^{-d-\sigma} on the critical Casimir force and specific heat of confined 4^4He near the superfluid transition. We consider a 4^4He film of thickness LL. In the region LξL \gtrsim \xi (correlation length) we find that the van der Waals interaction causes a leading non-universal non-scaling contribution of O(ξ2Ldσ)O (\xi^2 L^{-d-\sigma}) to the critical temperature dependence of the Casimir force above TλT_\lambda that dominates the universal scaling contribution eL/ξ\sim e^{- L/\xi} predicted by earlier theories. For the specific heat we find subleading non-scaling contributions of O(L1)O(L^{-1}) and O(Ldσ)O(L^{-d-\sigma}).Comment: 2 pages, submitted to LT23 Proceedings on June 14, 2002, accepted for publication in Physica B on September 12, 200

    Violation of Finite-Size Scaling in Three Dimensions

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    We reexamine the range of validity of finite-size scaling in the ϕ4\phi^4 lattice model and the ϕ4\phi^4 field theory below four dimensions. We show that general renormalization-group arguments based on the renormalizability of the ϕ4\phi^4 theory do not rule out the possibility of a violation of finite-size scaling due to a finite lattice constant and a finite cutoff. For a confined geometry of linear size LL with periodic boundary conditions we analyze the approach towards bulk critical behavior as LL \to \infty at fixed ξ\xi for T>TcT > T_c where ξ\xi is the bulk correlation length. We show that for this analysis ordinary renormalized perturbation theory is sufficient. On the basis of one-loop results and of exact results in the spherical limit we find that finite-size scaling is violated for both the ϕ4\phi^4 lattice model and the ϕ4\phi^4 field theory in the region LξL \gg \xi. The non-scaling effects in the field theory and in the lattice model differ significantly from each other.Comment: LaTex, 51 page

    Relation between bulk order-parameter correlation function and finite-size scaling

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    We study the large-rr behavior of the bulk order-parameter correlation function G(r)G(\bf{r}) for T>TcT>T_c within the lattice ϕ4\phi^4 theory. We also study the large-LL behavior of the susceptibility χ\chi of the confined lattice system of size LL with periodic boundary conditions. The large-LL behavior of χ\chi is closely related to the large-rr behavior of G(r)G(\bf{r}). Explicit results are derived for d>2d>2. Finite-size scaling must be formulated in terms of the anisotropic exponential correlation length ξ1\xi_1 that governs the decay of G(r)G(\bf{r}) for large rr rather than in terms of the isotropic correlation length ξ\xi defined via the second moment of G(r)G(\bf{r}). This result modifies a recent interpretation concerning an apparent violation of finite-size scaling in terms of ξξ1\xi \neq \xi_1. Exact results for the d=1d=1 Ising model illustrate our conclusions. Furthermore, we show that the exponential finite-size behavior for L/ξ1L/\xi\gg 1 is not captured by the standard perturbation approach that separates the lowest mode from the higher modes. Consequences for the theory of finite-size effects for d>4d>4 are discussed. The two-variable finite-size scaling form predicts an approach eL/ξ1\propto e^{-L/\xi_1} to the bulk critical behavior whereas a single-variable scaling form implies a power-law approach Ld\propto L^{-d}.Comment: LaTex, 59 pages, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Finite-Size Effects in the ϕ4\phi^{4} Field Theory Above the Upper Critical Dimension

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    We demonstrate that the standard O(n) symmetric ϕ4\phi^{4} field theory does not correctly describe the leading finite-size effects near the critical point of spin systems on a dd-dimensional lattice with d>4d > 4. We show that these finite-size effects require a description in terms of a lattice Hamiltonian. For nn \to \infty and n=1n=1 explicit results are given for the susceptibility and for the Binder cumulant. They imply that recent analyses of Monte-Carlo results for the five-dimensional Ising model are not conclusive.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 1 figur

    Nonmonotonic External Field Dependence of the Magnetization in a Finite Ising Model: Theory and MC Simulation

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    Using ϕ4\phi^4 field theory and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation we investigate the finite-size effects of the magnetization MM for the three-dimensional Ising model in a finite cubic geometry with periodic boundary conditions. The field theory with infinite cutoff gives a scaling form of the equation of state h/Mδ=f(hLβδ/ν,t/h1/βδ)h/M^\delta = f(hL^{\beta\delta/\nu}, t/h^{1/\beta\delta}) where t=(TTc)/Tct=(T-T_c)/T_c is the reduced temperature, hh is the external field and LL is the size of system. Below TcT_c and at TcT_c the theory predicts a nonmonotonic dependence of f(x,y)f(x,y) with respect to xhLβδ/νx \equiv hL^{\beta\delta/\nu} at fixed yt/h1/βδy \equiv t/h^{1/\beta \delta} and a crossover from nonmonotonic to monotonic behaviour when yy is further increased. These results are confirmed by MC simulation. The scaling function f(x,y)f(x,y) obtained from the field theory is in good quantitative agreement with the finite-size MC data. Good agreement is also found for the bulk value f(,0)f(\infty,0) at TcT_c.Comment: LaTex, 12 page

    Lattice ϕ4\phi^4 theory of finite-size effects above the upper critical dimension

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    We present a perturbative calculation of finite-size effects near TcT_c of the ϕ4\phi^4 lattice model in a dd-dimensional cubic geometry of size LL with periodic boundary conditions for d>4d > 4. The structural differences between the ϕ4\phi^4 lattice theory and the ϕ4\phi^4 field theory found previously in the spherical limit are shown to exist also for a finite number of components of the order parameter. The two-variable finite-size scaling functions of the field theory are nonuniversal whereas those of the lattice theory are independent of the nonuniversal model parameters.One-loop results for finite-size scaling functions are derived. Their structure disagrees with the single-variable scaling form of the lowest-mode approximation for any finite ξ/L\xi/L where ξ\xi is the bulk correlation length. At TcT_c, the large-LL behavior becomes lowest-mode like for the lattice model but not for the field-theoretic model. Characteristic temperatures close to TcT_c of the lattice model, such as Tmax(L)T_{max}(L) of the maximum of the susceptibility χ\chi, are found to scale asymptotically as TcTmax(L)Ld/2T_c - T_{max}(L) \sim L^{-d/2}, in agreement with previous Monte Carlo (MC) data for the five-dimensional Ising model. We also predict χmaxLd/2\chi_{max} \sim L^{d/2} asymptotically. On a quantitative level, the asymptotic amplitudes of this large -LL behavior close to TcT_c have not been observed in previous MC simulations at d=5d = 5 because of nonnegligible finite-size terms L(4d)/2\sim L^{(4-d)/2} caused by the inhomogeneous modes. These terms identify the possible origin of a significant discrepancy between the lowest-mode approximation and previous MC data. MC data of larger systems would be desirable for testing the magnitude of the L(4d)/2L^{(4-d)/2} and L4dL^{4-d} terms predicted by our theory.Comment: Accepted in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Minimal renormalization without \epsilon-expansion: Three-loop amplitude functions of the O(n) symmetric \phi^4 model in three dimensions below T_c

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    We present an analytic three-loop calculation for thermodynamic quantities of the O(n) symmetric \phi^4 theory below T_c within the minimal subtraction scheme at fixed dimension d=3. Goldstone singularities arising at an intermediate stage in the calculation of O(n) symmetric quantities cancel among themselves leaving a finite result in the limit of zero external field. From the free energy we calculate the three-loop terms of the amplitude functions f_phi, F+ and F- of the order parameter and the specific heat above and below T_c, respectively, without using the \epsilon=4-d expansion. A Borel resummation for the case n=2 yields resummed amplitude functions f_phi and F- that are slightly larger than the one-loop results. Accurate knowledge of these functions is needed for testing the renormalization-group prediction of critical-point universality along the \lambda-line of superfluid He(4). Combining the three-loop result for F- with a recent five-loop calculation of the additive renormalization constant of the specific heat yields excellent agreement between the calculated and measured universal amplitude ratio A+/A- of the specific heat of He(4). In addition we use our result for f_phi to calculate the universal combination R_C of the amplitudes of the order parameter, the susceptibility and the specific heat for n=2 and n=3. Our Borel-resummed three-loop result for R_C is significantly more accurate than the previous result obtained from the \epsilon-expansion up to O(\epsilon^2).Comment: 29 pages LaTeX including 3 PostScript figures, to appear in Nucl. Phys. B [FS] (1998